Work in Progress: Ankle Socks

Yes that is a another pair of socks on the needles. No I haven't finished either of the other two pairs. I just moved them to circular needles. Don't judge me. I have a good reason.

I was going to dinner on Saturday night with some friends. I didn't have a good social knitting project going. With the frogging of my cabled sock when I tried to knit it and talk I knew that wasn't a good candidate. And the Kai-mei socks are on to the lacy foot section that requires reading a pattern. So I needed something simple where I could knit and talk. I could have gone and not knitted but why waste all that great knitting time?

So I found the left over yarn from my daughter's socks.  Because she has little feet I had quite a bit of yarn left. I am hoping it is enough to make ankle length socks. We shall see. I knit an inch ribbing and then started on the heel flap. I guess I will just knit until it is either the length of my foot or I run out of yarn and find someone with that length of foot. Either way I now have a social knitting project that will keep me busy awhile.

It isn't just for social knitting though. It is a stress relieving project. I took this knitting quiz  by Robin. My results were not surprising, I am a relax knitting. I knit to deal with the stress of my life. I think that is why I am not happy with my previous two sock patterns currently. They both are challenging and require a brain and a pattern. Since I am in the process of

1. being unemployed since Monday.
2. packing up my house. I'm averaging 3 boxes a day. At this rate we will move next century.
3. moving a family of 6 across multiple state lines by the end of the month with a van I haven't reserved into a home I haven't found.

You can see why I need a nice relaxing knitting project.

And an interesting, no brainer book. I have taken a break from my self help/personal development book obsession. I am three CDs into The Chaperone and loving it. It takes place post WWI and is the story about a woman who left NYC on the orphan train, grew up in Kansas, and is returning to NYC to search for her parents. Laura Moriarty (awesome last name minus it is Sherlock Holmes' nemesis) graduated from the same social work program I did for our undergrad but went on to get a Masters in English and become an author. She graduated after me but there was an article about her in our alumni magazine. What I like about this book is there is no swearing or sex. Much more enjoyable for me and I can listen to it without worrying too much about my children hearing. So far at least.

Since I am procrastinating packing who knows what new project I might cast on for next Wednesday's work in progress post!

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