My little sister asked me to make her baby some magic slippers. It is a good way to use up left over sock yarn as it doesn't require much yardage. I love this yarn from my circle socks. This is my second attempt at these slippers. I frogged back the first after deciding that I wanted them to be identical twins and not fraternal.
I am reading a book for me (Freckles - love it!) and then one to the younger boys (Fox - love the pictures on every page to keep their attention) and then one to my daughter (Narnia). I was reading those to them at bedtime until last night when I collapsed on the couch in a drug induced stupor and Joel put all the children to bed. I woke up yesterday feeling like I was getting a cold or sinus infection. And by the evening I thought it might be allergies, with my itchy, watery eyes. So I took medications for both, just in case :). I was feeling awful, don't judge me. Anyway it resulted in me not wanting to move from the couch for half the night. Not feeling incredibly better this morning but I am awake at least.
I realized this winter is my 5th anniversary of learning to knit. I used my birthday money, shortly after having my third baby, to buy a knitting book, needles, and yarn. If I went back and learned again, here is what I would have done differently:
- Learn continental knitting first. Debbie Stoller really pushed English style in her book so I learned that way. And it was 5 years before I learned continental knitting for my colorwork hat. I think I would be a faster knitting if I had just learned continental to begin with. But it is hard now to go back to being a really slow knitting, learning a new style, even when in the end it might make me faster.
- I would learn to knit from Elizabeth Zimmermann. Now that I have read some of her books and watched her videos I think she teaches knitters to be more independent and courageous in their knitting. If I had a friend learning to knit today I would suggest Knitting without Tears and Knitting Workshop.
- Start and finish a sweater pronto. This is definitely Elizabeth's idea, whose second project in Knitting Workshop is a sweater. I think knitting a sweater on circular needles with no seams is manageable for a beginner after watching her video. And I think that the courage and confidence that instills in a knitter will jump start her knitting. Debbie Stoller's book is where I got the pattern for the cardigan, knit in pieces, that is still on my needles. I am totally not blaming her for that!
Okay with all that said. I recognize the progress I've made and am excited about it. It is fun to look back over my ravelry projects and see how far I've come. And I am most excited about my new adventure of designing knitwear accessories. See the cute models below for my new running headband pattern? The test knitting has been finished and the pattern has been sent to the tech editor. I expect to release it within the week. It will be announced here first with a discounted price of $.99 for my readers, just as with the I Heart Cowl pattern. It is such a fast knit you'll have time to whip up a few before this winter ends.
Labels: booties, Work-in-Progress