Work in Progress: Everything on my needles

When I first started participating in Tami and Ginny's Wednesday work in progress link parties, I decided that the first Wednesday of the month should be a time when I review all the current projects on my needles. But I haven't been that faithful to it. I am going to try and get back to it. When I went to take pictures yesterday I actually needed to search for what projects I had going. There seem to be so many I couldn't remember them all! I didn't take pictures of the never ending sweater because no progress has been made on that and it is buried in my stash. I am not really sure if I will ever finish it. Now that it has been knit in pieces over the last several years I am afraid that it will look strange as the different pieces reflect how my knitting has improved since starting it. Which could be good for my confidence but might not look attractive. I am not sure. We shall see.

The Bulle is off the needles! My daughter Adelle, the intended recipient, was at school for the photo shoot so her little brother, Roman, graciously volunteered to model it. I made a mistake in the bottom band, knitting a row that should have been purled at the beginning of the garter stitch band. I can't decide if it bothers me enough to go back and fix it.

I just have the sleeves and pockets left. The problem is that I moved down a size from the suggested needle size and now I don't have double pointed needles to match the size I knit it in. I am debating whether I can knit the sleeves with size 6 needles (biggest I have) instead of 7 if I add a few extra stitches. Thoughts? I really can't go buy more needles right now. Same deal with the pockets. Should I knit them in the requested size 6 or size 4 which would be the recommended 2 sizes down from the sleeve needles? While I decide these things I moved on to other projects.

Winter is coming so I need a better headband for running in. I am designing one because I couldn't find one on Ravelry that was exactly what I wanted. It is in Encore Chunky Tweed with ribbed cables. This is just my gauge swatch. I think it will be a great yarn. Warm enough with the % of wool but machine washable so it doesn't become gross with sweat.

And my Cookie A cable socks. Love the pattern. Hate knitting it. Lots of brain power required.

So that was why I cast on these plain socks. I needed a social knitting project. I am now onto the heel on the second sock after a 2.5 hour meeting at my daughter's school last night. I came home and told my husband if it wasn't for knitting I would have gone completely crazy.

And my Cookie A lace socks. I am on to the lace part on the foot that requires brain power a.k.a a quiet moment at home which doesn't seem to ever happen.

Right before I typed this post I cast on another project. I just couldn't seem to help it. I needed a shawl on the needles but I will save that for next week as I don't have a photo yet.

As far as reading goes, I am reading The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis with the children. My 7 year old daughter, Maeve, is really enjoying it. I was feeling bad that reading aloud with my children was not being made a priority anymore. I use to read to my oldest all the time. I mean we read all the Little House on the Prairie books and the Narnia books before she ever started to school. But with more children, bedtime becomes more challenging and I get more cranky and tired. So I am trying to set my priorities again. It is all about my quest to live intentionally. If there are things that I want to be doing, I need to deliberately make time for those things. That is my goal.

Happy Wednesday!

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