Yarn Along, Keep Calm Craft On, Work in Progress Wednesday-- you get the picture...

I am making good progress on my little pull over for the children in Africa. You can tell my son was not that happy about being the model. I think I figured out the neck opening problem for this one but I may do the other one a little differently.
Wait! Stop! The yarn is attached!!
And out of obligation to my little lone Cloisonee mitten, I finally casted on a it's pair. I am planning on them being a gift later this month for my sister's 40th birthday. Mittens in April seem strange but she lives in Alaska and may still need them considering they broke the record for snow fall this winter. I think it is 11 feet!

And here is what I am reading this week. I actually bought the audio version on itunes read by Nie Nie herself. If you read it make sure you have a box of tissues close by. It is so tragic, yet inspiring. She makes me want to be a better mother. Part 1 is about her almost picture perfect life before the airplane crash. Reading that part practically makes you want to hate her. But you know what is coming in Part 2 so there is no way you want to change places with her. I didn't read her blog before the accident and only occasionally look at it now. But this book is really interesting. I highly recommend the audio version so you can knit and read!

Check out other Yarn Alongs, Works in Progress, or KCCO

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