Local Yarn Store--Retail Therapy

One day this week I was feeling a little down (read that as in the pit of despair for a few short hours -- single momming it for 3 weeks and realizing I still had 2 more to go!). So I decided to try a little retail therapy (that has to be one of the benefits of Joel being out of town working-I can afford a little shopping). Of course I went to my local yarn store, the perfect place for a pick me up. After walking around the store with about 50$ worth of merchandise in my arms and a three year old boy in tow ("can we go home yet?"),  I was so proud of myself for only actually spending 16$. It was one of those great days where I left the store with only the things I went in planning to buy. Those days are so good for the budget. I didn't have the thrill of coming home with a bunch of new yarn but I also didn't have the guilt that always accompanies impulse buying for me. So it was a successful session of retail therapy.
I also made a stop at the local thrift store and fabric store to pick up some more craft supplies. I think that I may be crossing the line over to a craft hoarder. I have plans for all that I buy, just not the time to accomplish them! Luckily I only spent about 6 more dollars.

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